Unicorn Trail Gang

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Beach Day Part 4 - Devil's Punch Bowl (Finale)


We (Amanda & Adam) took Arnold to the Oregon Coast for an amazing day on September 12, 2018. Our previous three blog posts took us on our first stops on our roadtrip: Cannon Beach, Hug Point & then the Newport Aquarium. Buckle up and get ready for our finale!!!


The town of Newport is filled one of the coolest tourist spots on the Oregon Coast. Arnold, our pet unicorn, took us along the shops on the waterfront. The first place we stopped was at the docks. We paused to let Arnold curiously watch a fishing boat set sail looking for the perfect catch. Meanwhile seagulls flew around the boat. Hoping for a catch of their own.



Next we followed the boardwalk to the yelping sounds of sea lions. They were doing some sunbathing on some small platforms next to the docs. It looked like they were very well fed and happy as could be. Arnold was able to communicate with them and he confirmed that they were indeed enjoying the beautiful weather. It was confirmed when one of them smiled. Pure happiness.


We hopped into the car and headed North. We stopped off at the Devil’s Punch bowl. It sounds like a very ominous place but it’s quite breathtaking. The parking is way up high. There are about a million steps to get to the bottom. Almost reminiscent to Mr. Bean’s sketch at the beach where he climbed forever to get to the sandy beach at the bottom of a massive cliff. We were running short on time so we enjoyed the views from the top. The views are breathtaking.


Something Adam never does while at the coast is stop to smell the flowers. Both Amanda and Arnold are much more thoughtful and found a very pretty bunch that had purple flowers. Each of us found them to be delightful.


Moby Dick’s grandchildren - aka Whales - like to hang out near the Devil’s Punchbowl. Adam has seen them blowing water into the air on past occasions. Luckily all of us got to see several whales. From far away it’s not as easy to gaze upon them like going to SeaWorld in California. But we saw at least a dozen times where the whales came to the surface. Arnold was overjoyed.


We saw plenty of waves and Arnold asked if he could go surfing. We laughed at him. Is that okay to laugh? He seemed like he was serious. Silly pet unicorn. He’d surely get pulled out by a sneaker wave. Right? Plus we don’t have a surfboard.


Stepping back in time, as we time travelers are prone to do, in between Hug Point and Newport, we went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. It is quite a tourist destination. They recently remodeled inside. You can see parts of the factory through the glass where they’re packaging up cheese. There’s another spot to try free small samples of a plethora of different types of cheese. They also have a sandwich shop and ice cream shop plus a large gift shop. We got ice cream and paused for a quick photo in a Tillamook bus near the food area. It was too fun!


At one point on this adventure Arnold climbed on a wood post and enjoyed watching the surf. Where were we? Paradise!

Arnold the Unicorn enjoys the Sea!


Our last stop of the day was at a coastal chain restaurant called Mo’s. We chose to stop at he Lincoln City location and enjoy some of their renowned clam chowder. Arnold was acting kinda shy while we were in the restaurant. The food there is beyond tasty.


Since this day’s adventures started so bright and early, we eventually headed back to our homes. It was quite a fulfilling day of adventure!

About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile. And. Thanks for reading our blog! ~ by Amanda & Adam

COVID: Please take into consideration local advisories when traveling to the Oregon coast during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coastal towns are small and a breakout would be devastating to these small communities.