Unicorn Trail Gang Amanda and Adam Ussie.jpg


About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile! – by Amanda & Adam

Beach Day Part 1 - Cannon Beach

Beach Day Part 1 - Cannon Beach


We (Amanda & Adam) took Arnold to the Beach for an amazing day on September 12, 2018. On the coast of Oregon, a very memorable destination is Cannon Beach.


This beach was featured in the movie the Goonies opening scene where the SUVs race on the sand. Adam is convinced he’ll see a pirate ship and find treasure one of these times when we visit.


Cannon Beach is best known for its huge rock – Haystack Rock. During high tide you can’t safely get to this destination spot. During low tide you can walk around the front half but it’s still not safe to climb, nor is it permitted. Haystack Rock becomes very dangerous when the tide comes in but you can still snap great pictures from a safe distance.


The best way to describe Haystack Rock is to imagine a big rock that looks like the Ewok’s vehicle the Sandcrawler. We’re pretty sure Haystack Rock doesn’t have droids inside that are for sale, but if anyone knows of a secret entrance, we’re interested in getting a newer R2 unit.


One sad feature about Haystack Rock is that during low tide you could always see a plethora of starfish all around it. However, several years ago a sickness infected the starfish along the Oregon Coast & caused the majority of them to die. When you see Haystack Rock during low tide now, you’ll see the starfish are regrowing in number but it’s just a shadow of its former glory. In contrast, there are still thousands of clams. It probably explains why the local restaurants have tasty, fresh, local clam chowder on their menus.


The area around Haystack Rock has a lot of great areas that collect plenty of water during high tide. When you visit during low tide you have a playground of beauty for photos.


Can you spot Big Foot?

In some of the reflections you could see Bigfoot… correction… you could see other vacationers. Arnold the Unicorn just thinks everyone’s feet are big because he’s such a little guy.


We love Blue Herons and saw one at the tidepools. Incidentally, we named him Sandy. Sandy the Blue Heron was pretty chill and enjoying the day. We hung out for a little bit. It was nice that Sandy didn’t mind posing for a few photos.


There are rocks around the tidepool areas. Arnold the Unicorn couldn’t help but climb on them and do some pullups. He’s very health conscious for being pumped full of magic. He is the strongest unicorn in the world.


When we took Arnold the Unicorn to Cannon Beach the sky was popping off! The fluffy white clouds made ridiculous reflections off of the water. Arnold’s heart melted with content at all the beauty around us.


We met a crab. It looked like he was sleeping… forever. But you never know. Maybe when the tide came in later that day he might have sprung back to life.

Arnold the Unicorn was in a very playful mood and climbed on a large stick or piece of driftwood near the crab. Arnold said the crab goes by the name The Governor. From the sounds of it, this crab was in no way affiliated with The Walking Dead… allegedly. Since The Governor didn’t move, Arnold had a really fun time climbing nearby and prancing around. Luckily, he never got snapped by the crab. We’ve all seen the horror movies where the ferocious creatures play dead and then attack when you least expect it. For that reason, Arnold was mindful of just how close he got to The Governor.

Arnold the Unicorn posing with Govenor the Crab


Since this day’s adventures started bright and early, we headed to the car and continued on our explorations along the Oregon Coast. Stay tuned for next week’s epic adventures as we explore part 2 of this 4-part adventure!

About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile. And. Thanks for reading our blog! ~ by Amanda & Adam

COVID: Please take into consideration local advisories when traveling to the Oregon coast during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coastal towns are small and a breakout would be devastating to these small communities.

Beach Day Part 2 - Hug Point

Beach Day Part 2 - Hug Point

Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve, Pt. 3

Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve, Pt. 3