Unicorn Trail Gang Amanda and Adam Ussie.jpg


About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile! – by Amanda & Adam

Beach Day Part 3 - Aquarium

Beach Day Part 3 - Aquarium


We (Amanda & Adam) took Arnold to the Oregon Coast for an amazing day on September 12, 2018. After spending time at Cannon Beach and Hug Point we continued our journey heading South.


Spoiler alert!!! This part of our adventure brought unexpected struggles and peril. Yes, serious and immediate danger for our little unicorn Arnold! But first, let’s set the stage.


Once you pass the parking lot area and get close to the entrance to the Oregon Coast Aquarium you’ll see a very pretty pond and stream. Adam had an annual pass and always felt compelled to pause and enjoy this area before heading inside. On this visit Arnold the Unicorn wanted to pause and check it out. The rushing flow of water brought delight onto his face.

Arnold taking in the pond


Once inside we passed the giftshop and entered a part of the building that looked like a sunken ship at the entrance. Once inside we journeyed towards the fantastically lit Jellyfish tank. The way the room was lit and the bubbles in the tank almost looked like they were floating through the night sky. Jellyfish have a magnificent glow when lit up by the aquarium’s lights.


The jellyfish are so remarkable to gaze upon that there’s a second tank with darker jellyfish. The background of this tank is blue. Maybe so they standout better? Or perhaps they’re hoping to be blue-screened into some feature film? I guess we’ll never know.


Once we finished exploring that area, Arnold the Unicorn became eager to continue our journey to the outside area. Our fist stop was at the area with the birds.


We attended a short lesson hosted by some of the employees of the Oregon Coast Aquarium. They talked about the birds and how they have them all tagged and named. Certain ones are fed medicine that’s put in their food. It was very fun learning more about them as we watched the birds play in the water while others relaxed on rocks around the little pool. There was also a baby penguin which had newly joined the aquarium and we got to see the little cutie during feeding time.


While outside we went to see the Seals and Otters in their habitats. They were all being very active and filled with energy. We kept asking them to pose with Arnold for a picture but they were too busy playing and having fun. They’re all about the play and fun… All. Day. Long!


Arnold the Unicorn is really quite small compared to some other unicorns. So naturally he was blown away at how big some of the fish were at in one of the tanks. They were HUGE! One of these fish had the funniest lips. They almost looked like some kind of mad science experiment. Amanda, Adam & Arnold the Unicorn were all rolling on the floor with laughter. It’s very possible the fish has made thousands of people laugh so hard that they wet themselves a little. Allegedly.

Arnold got so excited for allegedly almost wetting himself, that he jumped off the aquarium rope ledge! When he landed on the ground his magical tail broke off. It was pretty dicey. Fortunately Arnold lived. He’s tough. Fact: Arnold is strongest unicorn that ever lived. Just remember the ancient words of the great philosopher Yoda, “Size matters not.”


One of the highlights of the Oregon Coast Aquarium is the huge shark tank. Arnold thought this was one of the coolest things at the Aquarium. You enter a magical tunnel-like room that’s almost like entering a vortex. The wall and ceiling are made of clear glass and several spots on the floor have glass too. As you walk through this tunnel there are schools of fish and a handful of sharks. Arnold was quite interested in watching them swim around us from every direction. We could have stayed there for hours without getting bored but alas, we needed to continue on with our day.


Before we loaded up to continue on our day’s adventures, Arnold the Unicorn insisted on spending seeing the gift shop. After finding something we just couldn’t live without we brought it to the cashier. That’s when Adam decided to give deep sea diving a chance….he won’t be quitting his day job!


Then we headed off to continue our day along the Oregon Coast. Stay tuned for our next installment as we explore part 4 of this 4-part adventure!

About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile. And. Thanks for reading our blog! ~ by Amanda & Adam

COVID: Please take into consideration local advisories when traveling to the Oregon coast during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coastal towns are small and a breakout would be devastating to these small communities.

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