Unicorn Trail Gang

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Beach Day Part 2 - Hug Point


We (Amanda & Adam) took Arnold to the Oregon Coast for an amazing day on September 12, 2018. After spending time at Cannon Beach, we continued our journey heading South.


This area of beach is super top secret. To help discourage anyone from ever finding it, the builders of this beach put in some awkward stairs followed by large rocks. If you show up without anything on your feet you will surely die. Or have to walk super slowly and carefully so as to not hurt your feet until they fall off from hard-rock-poisoning. Is that a thing?


Once you pass the small rocks at the bottom of the stairs all the good stuff is to the right. First off there are caves. They’re small. Big enough to fit in. If you’re looking for a place to bury your treasure they might suffice. But they’re not so deep as to get lost. It’s like walking from one end of your house to the other. But add some dripping water at times. In other words, it’s every kid’s dream come true. Above the caves, there were trees that had seen so much wind they were stuck in a windblown motion. Kind of like your crazy uncle’s hair when you were a small child.


The caves are so close to the water that you can only go past them during low tide. When the tide comes in you would have to swim around them and this would possibly end with you being smashed into the rocks. Not today!


During low tide you can pass around the rocks and find something amazing… Hug Point. This is a flat-top rock with water running down it. If you visit after winter the water flow creates a beautiful waterfall. Before winter it’s more of a trickle. It looks amazing when the waterfall is strong. Several times Adam has seen photographers doing a photo shoots such as for high school senior pictures.


At the bottom of the waterfall there’s an area of sand that looks like a miniature version of the Grand Canyon. A tiny carved area carried water past Arnold the Unicorn as he played along the ridge from above. For an adult this area is only about half way up to your knees. Not very deep. To someone as tiny as Arnold the Unicorn it was quite exhilarating. He seemed to think he was quite brave playing so close to the edge.


The Hug Point rock is about the height of a single-story house. On this visit several people were going up the path to the right of the rock which safely led to the top of the rock. This was the first time either Adam or Arnold had been to the top. It revealed that the water was a long flowing stream with trails to hike along side it. Adam didn’t venture too far since Amanda stayed safely below.


Arnold the Unicorn was still feeling very playful and met some seagulls along the water. The gulls were busy chillin’ and enjoying a relaxing day surrounded by the sounds of the tide and the gentle breeze.


Before we loaded up to continue on our day’s adventures, Arnold the Unicorn insisted on spending some time rock climbing. He played on the rocks until he was grinning from ear to ear. Then we headed off to continue our day along the Oregon Coast. Stay tuned for next week’s installment as we explore part 3 of this 4-part adventure!

About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile. And. Thanks for reading our blog! ~ by Amanda & Adam

COVID: Please take into consideration local advisories when traveling to the Oregon coast during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coastal towns are small and a breakout would be devastating to these small communities.