Unicorn Trail Gang Amanda and Adam Ussie.jpg


About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile! – by Amanda & Adam

The Met

The Met

*Our 1st Time Apart: Part 3*


In April 2019 Adam went to New York on the other side of the country for a few weeks for business. We found several ways to stay connected while on our first time apart. One way was to share his adventures as they happened.


The Met (world famous Museum of Art) is huge! It’s so big Adam went twice while in New York and still barely made a dent on all the exhibits. Outside this enormous Museum there are several beautiful fountains that Arnold the Unicorn had to visit before entering. Also, several food carts filled the sidewalks outside with hotdogs and other food options. (Photo Below: Outside the Met)


Once inside Adam went to a huge exhibit filled with instruments from world famous bands and musicians such as The Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix, Buddy Holly, etc. One room showed documentary videos of some of the musicians. (Photos Below, R-L: The Beattles! and piano played by Lady Gaga)


There were a million paintings. Several were famous originals.


There were cool Greek statues and artifacts. Another was filled with items from Egypt. Both created an experience like traveling across the world to see ancient ways of life from long ago.
(Photos Below, R-L: Visitor’s take in paintings; Artifacts Galore; Close-up of a pretty painting; more artifacts!)


The Met has famous UNICORN tapestries from 1495-1505. Anyone who thinks unicorns are just a temporary fad don’t know what’s up. The Met’s gift shop had a tote bag and neck tie featuring the unicorn tapestries. Adam snatched a bag and tie immediately. Obviously! (Photo Below: close-up of Unicorn tie)


We found several ways to do things together while apart.


We buddy-read The Actor’s Life: A SurvivalGuide by Jenna Fischer. She is best known for her role as Pam in The Office. Amanda has been a long time fan of the show and Adam has more recently started watching it. This book was an entertaining telling of Fischer’s struggle and slow path to success as an actress. It gave us some fun topics to talk about together.


We video chat nightly. Thanks to technology we were able to stay connected. 


After returning home we realized how easy it is to take for granted seeing each other. When Covid hit a year later we went into it knowing ahead of time some ways to stay connected.

About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile. And. Thanks for reading our blog! ~by Amanda & Adam

Photo Frolic

Photo Frolic

Central Park

Central Park