Unicorn Trail Gang

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Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve, Pt. 3


Nearing the end of Fall in 2019 we decided it was urgent to head to the Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve for a third visit. For one thing, we had more trails to ‘close out’ on our trail map app. But for more greedy reasons, we’d found such amazing treasures on our previous visits.


On the first visit we gazed upon beautiful reflections in the the water, amazing sky, enjoyed some reading and relaxing, and saw some magnificent, beautiful birds. On our second visit we experienced a downpour and managed to calmly do a photo shoot of a slightly startled deer. After having two solid and unique visits we knew a third visit wouldn’t disappoint.


Our dear, sweet unicorn joined us on this adventure. While on this hike she paused for a photo with a trail sign. Fiona finds the strangest places to pose for a picture. But she lives for it!


While we took to our journey we passed the first large wetland. A small flock of birds took to the sky and headed to the southeast. We (Adam & Amanda) headed East on an off-shooting trail. On our right we could see some prairieland that reminded us of what life must have looked like in most of the country a hundred years ago. Everything seemed so calm… so peaceful.


It was all around us. Fresh air, rest, and rejuvenation. We both kept thinking about how people spend so much time and money chasing the wrong things in life. Do things, stuff, stress and a fast paced life on the go really satisfy in the end? We would argue that a journey to trails like these will bring far greater rewards.


What is rest and relaxation? Is it spending time watching a movie while some greasy stranger continually scratching his head while sitting in the row in front of you that’s eating his popcorn a little too loud in the movie theater? Perhaps. It does sound pretty enjoyable indeed. But maybe rest doesn’t mean sitting around doing nothing. We suggest an alternative. Why not take to the trails instead? At the end of a stressful day or week nothing beats an adventure like going to Jackson Bottom.


As we wandered along the trails we heard so many wonderful sounds. Rushing water, chirping birds, and blowing trees. Nature really has the best sound systems. Our hike led to the such beautiful spots that can only be described as breathtaking.


As we wandering along the trails we noticed that leaves had been falling from the trees and created quite a nice touch to the trail. Everywhere we looked brought more satisfaction and fulfillment.


We don’t recommend texting while hiking. However, Adam got a text from a coworker and responded with a few images from our hike. His coworker said they’re much rather be with us than doing whatever they had going on.


We saw several wetlands on this hike. They had some good sized birds that seemed to be finding plenty of food. The birds here seem very well fed. There were some great reflections on the surface of the water too. At several points we stopped to just take it all in. As with the previous two visits, our visit was filled with things to enjoy. What an adventure! After we got back our cute little unicorn Fiona couldn’t stop talking about it. And neither could we!

About us: We live by the motto, “My unicorns made me do it.” Subscribe if you like to smile. And. Thanks for reading our blog! ~ by Amanda & Adam